Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Today 31st of December 2008, Wednesday. Yes!! 1stly I would like to congratz my cousin Alphaeus and my sister Huey San of achieved gud result in their examination.. secondly, I would like to said thanks to the police that the robber had been catched!! wahaha... lastly, I would like to wished all the visitor Happy New Year!!


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ordinary incident

Today, 28th of December 2008, Sunday. Should I start to blog about yesterday 1st to make it interesting?? ok lu... yesterday, wholeday at father shop I sell 1 42inch plasma LG80 only... went back at 10.00p.m, than go giant shah alam because my mum said nescafe 3in1 very cheap... so also went there.. come out at 11.30p.m. After Giant, went to Sri Muda foodcourt for dinner...XD around 12.30a.m we finished our dinner and chioz home... whee!! 12.30a.m d.. next day..

Sampai home, straight go sleep.. around 3.00a.m in the morning received call from my dad friend... said my office upstair been break in by robber... You should come over now because the robber is break in our shoplot dunno your stock up stair got kena or nt?? for your info my dad shop at seksyen 9, shah alam is a combination for electrical and furniture shop... total of 3 shoplot...XD. My dad not sure wheather the shop got been break in or nt because the upstair shoplot my dad haven put sensor to detect the alarm... bt today my dad put the sensor d... unluckily, my dad friend office kena break in and my dad shop is safe..!! PHEW..>XD.

Aiya... typ over d... when my dad reach the shop, the police is there. They saw the robber.. bt before the poiice came he ran away. they let it go only because the police had traced his identity... is a chinese... malunya... and than his car is registered at seksyen 9 as well... I tink the police had arrest him today morning.. wish got good news from them....

Thats all....XD

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas^^

Today, 25 of december 2008, thursday. Um, today is a special day because the day 25th of december is Jesus Christ bday. So I am here now to wish all of my relative, friends and all of the people that view my blog... HOHOHO!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Today 24th of December 2008, Wednesday. Reason for blogging today because today is Christmas eve. I would like to wish you guyz MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! hope the year coming will be better than current year because this year I had lotsa misfortunenate event. Hope the comming year will be better.

Below is few of my picture get from few shopping mall in Malaysia.

Christmas decoration at Mid Valley Megamall

Me... myself..>XD

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Today, 23th of December 2008, Tuesday. This morning I just waked up I received phone call from Kuo Yik said W890i offer for RM700 with 2GB memory card. But I aint interest it. Anyone interest please call him 016-6552225.

After that, he said you wanna follow me to Genting or not? I was like I wanna go. I asked my mum, my mum said can but I mayb go Johor tomorow with your aunt and cousin. YOU MUST FOLLOW!! OMG!! haih.. nvm lo, I replied Kuo Yik said cannot. At noon, saw Joe msn p.m said why you dun wanna go genting? than I tell my reason lo, than he also said ok.. and their planned fail because not enough people. Hope next time still got chance ba.

As I promised to upload some pix here. Here is my tang yuan. Nice mah?? in red bean paste inside not kosong wan.. haha!! damn sweet and nice can kior fluness because got add ginger water.

My Tang Yuan!!

My Tang Yuan too!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Tang Yuan Day!!

Yesterday, 21th of December 2008, Sunday. It was Happy Tong Yuen day for the chinese so I wished you all Happy Tang Yuan day!! i dunno tang yuan in english is what? sorry ya!!

Lets start my blogging for today, this morning, I waked up at 9.00a.m. Whao! damn late surely because last night I play GunboundWC with my cousin till 1.00a.m, we up 3 level at the same day and same time... wahaha!! After I waked up i prepared up myself and my mother urged me to be faster because we are late for breakfast, everyone was starved there. So I quickly prepared up myself. After that, we went to Poh Yap restaurant for breakfast.

After, breakfast is done, we went to Klang because my eldest aunt said his son got school pants never use before ask me want or not? so I said ok lu.. i go take than we reached her house around 30min because my dad wanna use kampung road to reach there.. haih!! after reached, my aunt ask me to test the pants see fit or not. I tested ok... so i take all of them, my mum said wanna go Kamdar because I dun haf white uniform short sleeve shirt, so i go buy.. spent around RM52.40 there.

After Kamdar, we went to Bintang supermarket, at Seksyen 7, Shah Alam. My mum bought some groceries there. I looking after a new fone that was SE C902 that cost Rm910 there. Planning to buy after christmas if can..>XD.

After Bintang, We went to Tesco, Shah Alam. My aunt said she wanna buy some clothes for new year so she bought some day. My mum bought summore groceries... haih!! and I bought a pair of school shoe for Rm34.90 and trade in my old shoe for Rm3.. hehe!! um, supposed to be more because I owned a popular member card can less 10% The total sum is RM6 if I use the card but my uncle that work in popular took my card for renewal d but haven pass to me... so nvm lo still got Rm3 untung.

After that, we went home see my fone whao!! 8.00p.m d. My mum cooked yong tao foo for dinner that day. After we eat supposed can eat tong yuen but didn because very full. So I gonna replaced eat today.. Haha!! mayb i will post some of my tang yuan pix here.

Thats all for today... Bye!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Unexpected Incident

Yesterday, 20th of December 2008, Friday... Is a fine day. Asusual, I wake up at 7.30a.m. This morning my dad said... boy, tonight your mother and I will go watch Mama Mia concert at Jalan Tun Razak, KL. Can u help me watched my shop for few hours?? Than I also said ok.. lo.

Around 4.00p.m, my mother bring me out to the shop. Than, my dad tell me all the work I should do.. Than they left the shop to the concert. After they left, few customer walked in to the shop. The 1st customer was my father neighbour, the mechanics shop worker. He came to buy a water heater with pump.. Model S300 Alpha basic model... Whao!! Than, I called my dad, asked for pricing because friend got friend price.. LoL... So, my dad said, give him the product 1st. I will count on him tomorow... So ok lu... Give him and chioz d...

Next customer walked in, looking for bed room set. but he did not make up his mind because he wants to survey.. At the same time another customer walked in. My dad assistant served her and she buy lotsa furniture product if I not mistaken a king koil single tilam, a cupboard, a coffee table for balkony and lot more.. Unexpected incident happened.. The customer using credit card to pay.. we approved the transaction already but the paper finished... haih!! we go get a new paper and fit in lo normally, but paper also finish... lastly we lend paper from the hardware shop my dad neighbour as well.. the merchant different but the paper fit... wahaha!! lucky... and than at the same time i served a customer to buy a shoe cabinet... wah!! did not bargain at all... DAMN HAPPY!! plus 1st time sell furniture product because normally I sell electrical product like lcd/plasma tv, astro, refrigerator and air-conditioner only.

As usual wait 9.30p.m close shop, my dad worker bring me bak home... On the way he saw a red packed... He reversed his car and take it.. whao!! is a NOKIA N76... He damn happy... Unexpected incident as well whahaha!!

That all for today... BYE

Friday, December 19, 2008

Unexpected Day^^

Yesterday, 17th of December 2008, Thursday. I will blog about what I had done yesterday so I will use present tense to meant it hope blogger will accept it. Sorry ya!! Lets start. This morning I wake up normally around 7.30a.m. After wake up, I go cleaned up myself. Around 8.00a.m everythings is done than, I go downstair and praticed my additional mathematics excersise. Around 10.00a.m my mum only wake up and prepapre breakfast for everyone.

After breakfast, I use my laptop to go online..., checking ppl blog, and lot more la... But all this getting boring around 12.00p.m, so my aunt decided to went s.pyramid for shopping new clothing.. So she asked me wanna go or not.. since so sien, and my cousin keep on urge me to go so I decided to go. Than, my aunt call my another aunt to bring us to go s.pyramid but she said her son havent wake up haf to wait them wake up she only can come and fetch us.

Than my mum mah said, eat lunch d only go lo since her son and daughter haven wake up.. haha!! So we eat our lunch. Around 2.00p.m we finished up our lunch than my cousin and I play NFS Carbon for awhile. Around 4.00p.m my aunt called ask can she come now? so we said ok!! than I quickly go changed up my shirt and go downstair wait my aunt came.

YES!! finally out of the boring house. I teached my aunt using the second interchange to go out Kota Kemuning because she seldom came to Kota Kemuning. Around 4.30p.m we reached s.pyramid. dont ask me why so long?? surely because of jammed la subang jaya wei...

After we reached s.pyramid, my aunt bring all of us walking around the butik there because chinese new year comming. Sadly, I did not buy any shirt because the price... haih!! my cousin bought a jeans at echo park and a jeans at Romp butik. As well as a shoe at Mega. all cost around Rm300++ lo.. quite cheap wat... but sadly she spent so much on her son she only bought 1 shirt at hush puppies.. because no shirt can fit on her... overall she is a gud mother my cousin said in his blog.... haha!! can go see...

Time passing and passing. I look at my fone... whao!! already 9.00p.m, So my cousin said lets go Heartz chicken buffet eat because very hungry.. but due to his mother gastric so didn eat.. and we went to a seafood restaurant to eat dai chou.... haih!! I dunno how to taip chinese sorry ya!!

After that, thats all for yesterday... THE END--- No pix as well because my fone picture quality really very very low... sorry ya..!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

PIKOM PC Fair December 2008!!

Today, 14th of december 2008, Sunday. Like what I said, today I will be going pc fair to have a plan to buy a laptop, pendrive and also my brand new SE G900. but unfortunately, I did not get anyone of them because laptop, my dad said will buy it online, pendrive I forget to buy... damn it!! 16GB just gone but nvm la sure will drop price wan.. and G900 is i did not see any cheap price for that fone... haih! wth!! dunwan talk too much later no content to taip... wakakax...XD

Ok, lets start from this morning. Around 10.00a.m my father bring my sister, my cousin and me to Poh Yap restaurant to eat our breakfast. I ate WAN TAN MEE prepared by a myanmar foreigner... I was like lolling... around.. After that, my dad bring 3 of us to Asia Jaya LRT station to take LRT ride to Suria KLCC.

I was buying the ticket for 4 of us. Rm2.30 per person. I paid Rm9.20 for it. It was like straved in a sardine tin inside.. worst than MRT in Singapore. Rapid Kl LRT is smaller than Singapore SBS MRT. haih!! want to sit also cannot plus not in the peak hour. Firstly, I taught today wont be a lot people riding LRT wan. Than, once we saw the LRT... OMG!! so many... wat to do. we just starved in. We sit for 8-9 station on the LRT track it was taken 15-30min.

Once reached, We walked to Suria KLCC and we dunno where is the PC Fair because very big mah Suria KLCC. So, we asked few guards. The 1st guard gif us the wrong info.. wth.. I tot this year is Malaysia visit year. Cuti-cuti Malaysia, but the guard give wrong info, u can imagined if we are tourist, how to get the correct way to the pc fair leh?? the guard teached us how to walked out the Suria KLCC. But nevermind, finally we found the correct way to PC FAIR..

In PC Fair, We starved like sardine again because alot people there. 1stly, my dad go look for printer because he need ones as well as my uncle from Sarawak. So he go checked for printer. So we divided into 2 group, My cousin and I walked to see pendrive and all those thing. 1stly, We exidently walked to maxis counter, got a guy called Erik said can we give him 2min to introduced the speed of Maxis Broadband, Than I also agreed, so he let us see his computer speed and all those. I tink he drag us more than 5min. What to do, he just work for Maxis mah, to get commision he have to do so. Lastly, he gave me contact number, so here I will shared wif you all his number if you all want to subcribe Maxis Broadband can find him, Erik- 012-7010999.

After that, my dad done, he called me. He said Boy, u are looking for laptop rite? lets go now. Than I agreed, and my cousin follow me to Dell counter because I wanted to buy Dell Inspiron 1525. But unfortunately, I did not make up my mind because the deals is not attractive. After that, my dad said, boy, lets go buy our printer and chioz home. Btw the way, we saw a department store selling ICCI refill ink system. My dad bought 2 units and 5 refill ink tank. thats cost us around Rm248... after that, we went buy 2 units of canon MP145 3 in 1 printer. Canon gives us worth Rm25 4GB Kingston thumbdrive. My cousin bought a 8GB Sandisk thumbdrive comming with Mcafee antivirus.SO gud wei only Rm49.

After that, we go to the canon store to picked up our printer. they gave us 2 trolley to push the printer because its heavy. after that, we go redempt the freegift and chioz home, as well we use LRT to Asia Jaya, than we go Summit USJ to eat Chicken buffet. My dad got UOB mastercard they discount another 15% LMAO!! after that my cousin when to Techno Butik and buy a BAXX shirt.

After that, when home, and thats all for today...XD sorry for not uploading photo because my fone camera spoil unable to take picture... sorry ya.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

PC Fair!!

Tomorow, 14thof december 2008, Sunday, will be PC Fair held at Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC). Hope will get a laptop, handphone and pendrive there tomorow. Will ride LRT from Jaya Station till KLCC.. hope there will be lotsa freebe tomor. Blog will be updated after I back from there.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another boredome day!!

Today, 11 december 2008, Thursday. Today very boredome day for me as well.. I wondering that holidayz supposed must be very fun wan.. Today morning my aunt ask me do you interested to Sunway Pyramid?? Than I was like, tmrw I got plan wif kuo yik they all to pyramid.. than i also said ok lo... since nothing to do.. And than, 10.30a.m my uncle came fetch my cousin and I to sunway pyramid..

After reached, I went to CSL shop because on 27th of September 2008, I bought a bst-33 ion battery for my handphones. But I go to that shop today, he dined it.. ok lo nvm!!-.- and than I and my cousin go hanging around in Sunway Pyramid... he bought a baxx cap for Rm50 from a guy called Gwee. Whao!! mahal sial! but nvm la... its worth. and than we go to u mobile fair... that guy keep holding us to activate that prepaid... so he can earned Rm10 commision fee, so my cousin and i activate for helping him...

Afternoon, we went to arcade... I met Krystle and Sue Ling, said hi to them and chioz... my cousin wants to hanging around wild channel shop he bought 2 shirt there for Rm100... haha..! after that, we went to HEARTZ Chicken Buffet restaurant to eat... after eat, aunt call and go bak home... along the way home... raining heavily.. thats all for today... BYE

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Boredome Day!!

Lets describe abit about today... today is 10thof December 2008, Thursday. I should be in Genting Highland enjoying cool and refeshing air and also get excited ride in the theme park with my cousin but because of some factor such as... his mother dont let him to go just cari alasan to stop us to go Genting and did not tell us that dont let us go because she dunwan to make his son moody.. LoL!! They called me to planned and I planned everything supposed to be yesterday 10.00p.m everything is ready.. My parents ask me my things pack up d? how long u gonna stay there? and bla--bla--bla-- and my sponsor aunt said credit Rm120 from your parents 1st later I will count with them... ok lu..

After that moment... My aunt (my cousin mother) curi-curi go called my sponsor aunt to stop our financial... OMG!! that moment i was like swt!!=.= you dunwan us to go just said la... Why?? need curi-curi do all those stupid stuff!! and she even called my another big aunt because his husband and his son follow us to Genting as well.. They are giving us hope as well as breaking our hope... My feeling is just like a water splashing up to your face... I am the one whom planned everything and I wasted Rm9++ to Rm10 credit to asking the info in Genting...haih!! damn emo now... Nothing much to typ in this blog... BYE!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Singapore Trip!!

It had been a month I promised to post this but no time to post. Since, now I free I will post it.. HAHA!!

Day 1

Wake up at 7.30a.m, mum scold because wake up so late and we rushing for time hence I havent packed up my stuff... OK, I quickly packed up my stuff and bathe and clear up myself...n ready at 8.00 and I just come down, uncle andy the van driver had waited me there... ok lu... when to the van and he go fetch my cousin family after that. On the way to their house, I received their call asking when we come?, i said in 2 min... Once reached, they get up to the van and we started our journey to Sunway Pyramid.. The Aeroline Bus shuttle station... Wee... we reached there at 9.30a.m because of jammed. Around 15min we waiting for the bus to come... Here is some pic of the station.

That is my mother and aunt while waiting the 1st class shuttle... Aeroline to come...
Here is the Aeroline 1st class shuttle...

After the bus came, we sat the bus and the bus stewardess give us a gud service... We been served a subway sandwhich taste like grass and unlimited, coffee, milo, tea... haha!! here is some pix of it.

While in bus, here is some picture as well..XD

The trip took us for 5hour... haha... is very confortable and not feeling stress of havinf the trip because the shuttle sit is like aeroplane... and I listening music along the way... HAHA!! Once reached, my fone keep on alerting... many message were sent by maxis... haha.>!! than we reached the singapore station and sat cab to Jurong where my cousin aunt stay there... whao!! the cab is very costy... Frm the Raffles place to Jurong cost around $15... is near... only 2 corner... haih!! Than reached cousin aunt house... haf a rest and eat the raisin bought by my aunt... haha..!! night time... we sat bus to Jurong Point... the bus is probally same like rapid kl we found in Malaysia... bt rapid kl in malaysia less ppl sat and their bus is stuffed like sardin... HAHA!!... here is some of my pix while waiting for bus.

Day 2

Continuation of day 2... haha!! basically, we went for MRT or known as LRT in Malaysia... We sat the LRT at station 26 Jurong, to station 27, Jurong Point because my aunt want to exchange the clothes she bought at Jurong point yesterday.. After that my grandma cousin aunt called said wanna go to her house? than we agreed and we sat from the last station, station 27, Jurong point which is the last station to the 1st station Pasir Ris... wahaha!! it was like 1 and a half hour... wahahax...!! along the way M1 operator provide us info on which station now we are... what a good operator... haha!! here is some pic of me in the MRT

Do I need to explain the rest XD? Okok a quick one, then we went to dinner together and then, we got back home using the MRT thing! They offered me a ride by car but I decline because I want to see the night view of Singapore.

Day 3

YES!! We went off to a wedding... haha!! its my relative la of coz. Soon after we finished getting ready, we went to this 6 star or maybe it was a 5 star one? Hmm..don't care. Hahaha! The food there was like so delicious? There was like 12 servings? WOAH!? And I only ate till the 9th one then I stopped. Then I came back to the room and ate the last dish hahahah!There was one funny incident that happened in the wedding. The bride and the groom made a speech saying that you all are invited here cause your my closest and dearest frens and family members.In my mind I was like, `Dude, I'm only meeting you for the very first time and I don't even know your name =.=`. I started laughing with my cousin around after he said that! XD after the wedding, we were off to Suntec City!

Day 4

Yes, last day of trip. We went to the Science Centre. and I saw so many freaking cool stuff that I would never be able to see in Malaysia. Then I came across this balancing thing. So I tried it out and I could balanced my self for only 4 secs. Hahahahh! I was like cool not bad 4 sec. Then they told me that an average male should be able to balance himself for a minimum of 5 sec. I feeling like I am a lamer hw to balanced my self..XD.
My mom was done packing our luggage. At the bus shuttle! There I was, waiting for the freaking bus to arrive....hahahahh! Another 5 hours of gruesome headache! LOL! The bus dropped us off at like Sunway Pyramid. Its already 12am.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Stupid Day!!

Yesterday, It was 3rd of December 2008. Around 4.30p.m I planned to go to Kota Permai club to haf swim. I cycle there. At club, I went to the membership office and get my dad replacement card. After get it, I haf no mood to swim rather than just sauna in the toilet..XD. After 15min, I get out and went for bathe. After bathe, I packed up my stuff and went home. I feeling so nice because the road is all sloop down... WEE I pedal summore... eish... Sudenly got a car drive damn fast and overcut me... I excited and went a side... OMG!! got a hole there and I did not look at it just fall down.. Aiks, My knee were pain and my palm... I immidiatly took up my bike and push to the bicycle shop to fixed... On my way, I saw a guy name Marcus as well... In my skul bt is form 5, His surat amaran and mine had campur adukan together..X>D

I didn talk to him and push my bike to the bicycle shop. After the shop guy fixed my bike i cycle bak... Ish!! suddenly my palm splash blood out like waterfall very nice wan red and yellow in colour... I like tat... bt my fone spoil unable to take PHOTO!!! damn!! hw to update my blog without foto.. I tink u guyz will forgive me for nt uploading foto rite??XD

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kota Kemuning

Today is 29th of November 2008, Saturday. As usual I went to work with my dad in the morning around 10.00a.m after watching repeat news, Evening Edition at Astro AEC, channel 301. Around 10.30a.m, we reached shop and my dad drop me off infront of his shop because I am incharging to open the shop. Once open, few customer rushed in to the shop and planned to buy electrical and furniture product. WHAO!! happy mood to work is started.

I served a customer, and this is the 1st time I sell a semi auto washing machine, 32inch lcd tv and also 2 towel rack is a furniture product.. HAHA!! 1st time selling furniture product.XDXD!!

Around 2.00p.m in the afternoon, My dad order the driver to send some furniture goods to Kota Kemuning, the lakeside terrace. So I followed. When reached the guard post. That noob security guy wants my i/c. Ok... nvm lu, i gave him my i/c. after gave he scold pu ki mak, gang ni na bu ma ji bai. whaliao!! fuck off guard man... anyone staying the area there pls help me complaint ok>?.. XD

The end because dont know what to write...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My day for today...XD

Today is 27th Of November 2008, Thursday. I woke up at 4.00a.m because planned to company my mother to airport for her flight to Canton, China. Haha!! you guyz guess what time I slept at 26th Of November 2008, Wednesday... HaHa!! the answer is I did not sleep at 26th Of November 2008 and I slept at 2.00a.m of 27th Of November 2008. Only 2 hour sleep. But this count good already because last 2 week I went Genting with Kuo Yik, Kee Yong, Ken, Joe and Xue Qian. Ken, Joe, Kee Yong and Me totally did not sleep for the 1st day. Count good d sleep for 2 hour.

After sending my mother for her plane, My father, my sister and Me took off back to Kota Kemuning because is only 7.00a.m in the morning, So we reached at Kota Kemuning around 7.45a.m...XD. Once back home my father and my sister quick get a nap for 2 hour because My sis and I planned to go my father office work for a day.>XD

Around 9.30a.m they wake up and have a shower. After shower, We sat lorry to my father office because my father interest on driving lorry... Haha.. to advertised his owned company actually because the canvas behind the lorry printed out his company name and type of business he explore on.

Around 10.00a.m we reached my dad office, and my dad ask me to opened the shop for him and I dun even know which type of key to opened plus is a 3 shop lot shuttle. Ofcourse I get to opened all of the shuttle without hassling because I knew all the key well.

Around 11.30a.m my dad worker came to work. He asked me to take out my W660i out. You know why? because last 2 day my fone exidently drop into toilet bowl..XD. But already planned to do sumthing on it but havent. He opened my housing everything and use thinner to brushed the fone IC.. Whao.. u know wat i saw? I saw fungus all around the fone IC and some metal part of the fone. He used thinner and a brush to brushed the IC. Guess what I saw? On the moment he brushed the IC I saw a lot of brown bubble out. Haha.. means the fone is cleaned now and after done of washing my housing everything CLEAN, He take up all the screwdriver and fixed it back. I dunno it works or not because it is advisable to ON back the fone next week. Than nvm lo, my uncle lending me his SE K600i for my temperorry fone or maybe my real fone for the timing because I having 2 simcard and number now... Haih!!

Around 12.00a.m, a financial controller from a company upstair of my father office, She saw I taking out my laptop and asking me why you did not connect to a network? Than I said I dun haf password to access it.. Whao!! she so kind and gave me her company password to access it.. Whee!! happy for the whole day because I get to go online at a boredome space for a whole day.

I online till 5.00p.m without knowing the time... Haha.. than I saw a malay guy and a bunch of people so call DOGS in my mind and so call ( KAN MEI KAO ) in cantonese. Damn show off plus saying my dad product expensive. But my dad dunno because he busy with a supplier. So, I served them, and I almost scold 1 off his so call DOG because he saying the product expensive and we selling at a reasonable price. I tell them in a hard way. I said in malay {harga barang kedai ini adalah berpatutan kalau anda rasa tidak selesa dengan harga kami anda boleh pergi persatuan pengguna untuk complaint kita } that DOG straight shut up.!! whao!! I feel syok!! and they left in 2min time because no face d.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Unexpected Incident

yesterday, It was 25th of November 2008 around 2.00p.m I am in a toilet to make big business. After I done, I plan to took up my pants, during that process I heard a dck tuck sound. I feel strange and I look on the bowl I saw my Sony Ericsson w660i in the bowl. I immidiatly take it up and dry it. Hope nothing happen to the phone... haih!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tesco Hypermarket!!

Last night, it was 23rd of November 2008, around 10.22p.m I was in Tesco Hypermarket Shah Alam. I saw on The Star newspaper stated the advertisment that kingston pendrive 4GB selling at Rm29.90 hence, I purposely go there for the pendrive. When i reached the counter I was hunting for that pendrive... But where is it? that noob promoter tell me sold off. Than, I peep on the display counter I saw 1 unit left there, I ask him to took out.... He was calling ppl and ignored what I said. I was like wat the hell!! I am consumer you should serve me, till I ask the supervisor of IT department, they opened for me, but the promoter not willing to sell that hot item to me,

I said nevermind, I straight away take out my cell phone and call my dad stated that he refused to sell me the item. My dad straight tell me, son I am at the stationary department lets meet up at the customer service and we make decisision on the promoter there. So I agreed, and I meet up my dad in the customer service counter. My dad straight ask the supervisor to call the manager of Tesco out for complaint.... This is so call hak pengguna..XD, when the supervisor out he is like a useless guy listening my dad dialog, I see that promoter face damn emo like want to cry already.... HAHA!!! he scared till call his boss!! than, the supervisor also called his manager out... I remember the manager called Maghendran... HAHA!! than, the manager ask that promoter why u dunwan sell to my consumer, He said this and that and dare not said it had been reserved, So tha manager didn talk much and tell my dad he will contact the HQ and bring another unit of the same wan to sell to my dad in a promotional price it was Rm29.90. To know more detail please e-mail or p.m me at

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Genting Trip

Last Thursday, I went to Genting with Ken, Joe, Kuo Yik, Kee Yong and Xue Qian. Appearately, Francis, Kok Chong and Eu Jin Fong Fei Kei (FFK) haih!! dun talk about them d la damn spoil mood.

Thursday morning around 9.50a.m Ken and Kee Yong came to my house by Ken father lorry.. aahaha.. they came to my house because I confirmed with Uncle Andy fetch 3 of us 1st in my house only go Sri Muda Corner Restaurant (SMC) fetch Joe, Kuo Yik and Xue Qian at 11.00a.m.
When Uncle Andy reach (SMC) that Kuo Yik and Xue Qian havent reach we only met Joe there. So we wait... and wait... and wait... for 15min lastly everyone came and we start our journey to Genting.

We took LRT to Gombak and changed a bus to Gohtong Jaya because Kuo Yik Apartment located there. The whole journey from my house till Gohtong Jaya that day took around 5-6hours.

Me and Xue Qian In the bus to Gohtong Jaya

After arrived Kuo Yik Apartment, we quickly changed our swimming trunks and we went swimming! The pool water are freaking cold as ice and had a heavy mist there. It was cool and colf of coz if fun la...XD, After that, we had steamboat dinner, the food is simple and delicious..XD

The Delicious Steamboat....

After that, Is sleeping time.
First of all, I tought Xue Qian and Joe were the only two doesn't snore. Because their body size is small. But Joe butt is bigger..XD.

But the result not the same, Kuo Yik and Xue Qian snore the loudest! OMG!! I cant tahan their snoring sound...I tought I am the only one who been affected by their snoring sound hence, the most fun part is here Kee Yong, Ken and Joe also been disturbed by the snoring. We 4 person didn't sleep for the whole night. We went to Kuo Yik's room because before that all of us sleep in the living room. After we shift to Kuo Yik room, 4 of us had a talk whole night long and we chat about school,singers,actors,GHOST, ect ect.. kakax...XD.

Around 4a.m, Xue Qian woke up and sit outside the room and heard our chatting season. [ we did not noticed that ]..>XD

Around 5a.m, only we all noticed that Xue Qian is outside the room listening our conversation..XD oh well, we did not blamed Xue Qian snoring loud because he got breathing problem. (But seriously very loud ). Joe said his dad lost to Xue Qian.>XD. But we cannot forgive Kuo Yik... HAHA!!XD

Although, Me, Ken, Joe and Kee Yong never sleep even for 5 min. We still go genting the next day.We had breakfast at Restoran Radha. I think after that we walked for 10min to the cable station. At the station, don't know why we seperated into 2 groups, Me, Kuo Yik and Kee Yong were 1 cable ahead Joe, Ken and Xue Qian ones. When we reached Genting, Me, Kuo Yik, Ken and Kee Yong when to Arena of star ticketing counter there sit. Xue Qian and Joe go and buy the outdoor theme park ticket.

Firstly, We sat the SPINNER... sorry I forget to take the spinner picture. After that, Joe, Ken, Kuo Yik and Xue Qian when to take the CYCLONE roller-coaster it was 1st roller coaster in Malaysia... XD, Hence me and Kee Yong when to take the MONORAIL while waiting them because we got no confidence to sat the CYCLONE because the machine had been used more than 20years..XD. After our Monorail and CYCLONE. We decided to go for CORKSCREW the biggest roller-coaster in Genting... haha.. When we lining, we saw a malay guy and a malay girl. The malay guy touched the girl... ahem... the private part.. LMAO!! they so opened minded.

Kuo Yik. Kee Yong, Xue Qian and Joe in the 360's thingy

Me and Ken only sit the CORKSCREW for 3 times because we felt a bit dizzy because we sat non stop for 3 time... But Joe, Kuo Yik, Kee Yong and Xue Qian sit for 4 times and they bought for Rm12.00 for the picture I post just now..XD. Me ,ken ,Joe ,Kee Yong never sleep for 36hrswe were soooo tiredbut unluckily,we waited bus for 1hour full at the skywaysay is 1hour,we slept 45mins..loltook turn see bus came onot.

At apartment,we played till 12am and sleep.Finally we can sleep well~because we kicked xueqian and kuoyik sleep in the room and we sleep in living room! MERDEKA!!XD

The next day,me,Kee yong,Joe and Xue Qian went down had some breakfast we da bao for Ken and Kuo Yik also.Then,we swim again!!Xue Qian was not able to swim because his leg bit by mosquito or something and his skin are arlergic and looks very only me,Kuo Yik, Ken ,Kee Yong and Joe swim.Unluckily, Ken had nose bleed too~haih

Than we played snooker and ping-pong. After that Ken and Kee Yong hit the breakfast and me Kuo Yik, Xue Qian and Joe went upstairs ect..ect.. Ken wanted to go home so badly so Kee Yong teman him the end, Xue Qian also followed them back to Kota Kemuning.

Me, Joe and Kuo Yik sent them to the bus station and we had a wonderful dinner juz between we 3person.After went back apartment,we played resident evil game(Joe brought ps2)/

We got a call from them(Xue Qian, Ken, Kee Yong)knew that they were trapped in ktm because of some stoppage they trapped in ktm for 3hours the door was spoiled too!! We were so worried,we called them every 20mins but around 8,everything went normal and they went home safely.

Then we sleep.This time,we slept 1am to 10amvery confortable!

Kuo Yik parents went there and gamble in genting too.Then they sent us home. Luckily didnt follow ken they all went home,me Kuo Yik and Joe had free breakfast and transport ^^ This were only summary of the journey.Many fun things happened but Im sooo lazy to write anymore.

There are some picture in my friendster. Feel free to see. This is the link:-

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Genting Trip!!

Bye girls and boy I knew my blog is new.. not often update and not interesting.. Sorry all of you all... But here I will update after I back from my Genting Trip with my friend ok? hence, I will post some of my Singapore Trip things after I back from Genting... Bye all my friends... I will update it as soon as posible...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Final Exam Finally Over!!!

Yesterday, it is Friday, 7thof November 2008, after additional mathematics 1 paper over it means final exam is over because it is the last day of school for 2008 but unfortunately, it is not over because we had received a noticed from the school that holiday from 7thof November 2008 till next year are for form 1, form 2 and form 3 only form 4 and form 5 is still having school of course form 5 will not enjoy the holiday terms because their SPM known as [ Sijil Penilaian Malaysia ] Not yet over but form 4 had finished their exam why they didn't gave holiday and they only can start their holiday on 14th of November 2008 haih!!! not forget to tell you guys or gals that yesterday it was 7th of November 2008, after Additional Mathematics tet was over a lot of student had walking out from the school without the noticed of the school and the guard just let them walk out. But unfortunately, I am trying to walk out of the school also by that type of way but lastly I did not do so because I felt not respecting the school authorities... haih!!! thats all for today.... Bye!!!