Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Singapore Trip!!

It had been a month I promised to post this but no time to post. Since, now I free I will post it.. HAHA!!

Day 1

Wake up at 7.30a.m, mum scold because wake up so late and we rushing for time hence I havent packed up my stuff... OK, I quickly packed up my stuff and bathe and clear up myself...n ready at 8.00 and I just come down, uncle andy the van driver had waited me there... ok lu... when to the van and he go fetch my cousin family after that. On the way to their house, I received their call asking when we come?, i said in 2 min... Once reached, they get up to the van and we started our journey to Sunway Pyramid.. The Aeroline Bus shuttle station... Wee... we reached there at 9.30a.m because of jammed. Around 15min we waiting for the bus to come... Here is some pic of the station.

That is my mother and aunt while waiting the 1st class shuttle... Aeroline to come...
Here is the Aeroline 1st class shuttle...

After the bus came, we sat the bus and the bus stewardess give us a gud service... We been served a subway sandwhich taste like grass and unlimited, coffee, milo, tea... haha!! here is some pix of it.

While in bus, here is some picture as well..XD

The trip took us for 5hour... haha... is very confortable and not feeling stress of havinf the trip because the shuttle sit is like aeroplane... and I listening music along the way... HAHA!! Once reached, my fone keep on alerting... many message were sent by maxis... haha.>!! than we reached the singapore station and sat cab to Jurong where my cousin aunt stay there... whao!! the cab is very costy... Frm the Raffles place to Jurong cost around $15... is near... only 2 corner... haih!! Than reached cousin aunt house... haf a rest and eat the raisin bought by my aunt... haha..!! night time... we sat bus to Jurong Point... the bus is probally same like rapid kl we found in Malaysia... bt rapid kl in malaysia less ppl sat and their bus is stuffed like sardin... HAHA!!... here is some of my pix while waiting for bus.

Day 2

Continuation of day 2... haha!! basically, we went for MRT or known as LRT in Malaysia... We sat the LRT at station 26 Jurong, to station 27, Jurong Point because my aunt want to exchange the clothes she bought at Jurong point yesterday.. After that my grandma cousin aunt called said wanna go to her house? than we agreed and we sat from the last station, station 27, Jurong point which is the last station to the 1st station Pasir Ris... wahaha!! it was like 1 and a half hour... wahahax...!! along the way M1 operator provide us info on which station now we are... what a good operator... haha!! here is some pic of me in the MRT

Do I need to explain the rest XD? Okok a quick one, then we went to dinner together and then, we got back home using the MRT thing! They offered me a ride by car but I decline because I want to see the night view of Singapore.

Day 3

YES!! We went off to a wedding... haha!! its my relative la of coz. Soon after we finished getting ready, we went to this 6 star or maybe it was a 5 star one? Hmm..don't care. Hahaha! The food there was like so delicious? There was like 12 servings? WOAH!? And I only ate till the 9th one then I stopped. Then I came back to the room and ate the last dish hahahah!There was one funny incident that happened in the wedding. The bride and the groom made a speech saying that you all are invited here cause your my closest and dearest frens and family members.In my mind I was like, `Dude, I'm only meeting you for the very first time and I don't even know your name =.=`. I started laughing with my cousin around after he said that! XD after the wedding, we were off to Suntec City!

Day 4

Yes, last day of trip. We went to the Science Centre. and I saw so many freaking cool stuff that I would never be able to see in Malaysia. Then I came across this balancing thing. So I tried it out and I could balanced my self for only 4 secs. Hahahahh! I was like cool not bad 4 sec. Then they told me that an average male should be able to balance himself for a minimum of 5 sec. I feeling like I am a lamer hw to balanced my self..XD.
My mom was done packing our luggage. At the bus shuttle! There I was, waiting for the freaking bus to arrive....hahahahh! Another 5 hours of gruesome headache! LOL! The bus dropped us off at like Sunway Pyramid. Its already 12am.

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