Hmm... shud blog daily rite? but I dun haf the time to blog.. started to work at dad place to do practical practice for the course that I wanted to study.. Taylor's Business Faundation.. yesterday start to do practical accounting 1.. which is dokumen same as SPM the soalan 1.. but the things is funny... all the thing become english.. Nota Kredit become Credit Notes than Nota Debit become Debit notes.. pemiutang call Creditors and penghutang call Debtors... wahaha... I tink not a problem for me to do that because it is computerised... happy!! happy!!
haha.. rest at home today taught got driving lesson.. end up aunty ffk me.. haf to delay tmrw.. OMG!! the rabbit came to my house again...
hmm.. tomorow cousin gonna come to my place for holz... I noe u all said holz almost over why he came? hmm... because we all are spm graduate wakakax..
Kinda miss high school life.. especially exam time, we sms..ed each other for exchange answer, write notes that same wif school test pad and copy down to our exam test pad.. wahaha or mayb we get soalan bocor, we done at home and just put on our exam table and look other person doing and we gonna sleep in class during exam. besides that, we also faced fear teacher looking around.. haha.. scare kena tangkap la.. but our technology is too high.. teacher cant detect us.. wakakax..
hmm... thats all for today... bye!!
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago
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