Haiz...!! this few days dont know why some of my friends is having trouble with their love life... One of them... not eating for few days and do a lot stewpiddd stuff like skipping skul, and lot more just to release their emo..ness and stresness. Another one... I not sure what problem is she faced... she keep emo and sad in class... and try to do some stewpiddd stuff as well... I hope this will not happen in any of my friend... Hope they will get a way to solved their problem. Just Cheer Up and forget those heitic things in your mind.
Ok... lets start my own blog afta those thing done... exam is just around the corner... yet I havent even start revision any of my subject where I was blur is LIKE EVERYTHING!!!! I dun wanna gif up of any subject like what Joe does... haih.. next monday undang test!!!
okayz... thats all bye...!! Mega sales is in town... quick grab stuff in shopping mall in Malaysia.
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago
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