Hey readers, now is 1.36a.m.. and I am so energetic, nt intend to go to bed.. haha... facebook is getting boring and tired of fixing my dekstop.. don't know why can connect to streamyx but cannot serve the net.. haihx. tmrw call to dell asked... I tink is old jor.. all the syntom of the computer is out. haihx.. when I format the pc. I suddenly recall my standard 3 karangan which was saya sebuah komputer. lols!!!... so, I must safe my computer, not dump it away k?... xD
Ok.. happening this week, went Tropicana City wif college buddy. finished revision business mathematics.. and started my accounting individual assignment.. lol. dunwan last minute job d. very tiring.
k la. I guess is thats all. good nights world.
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago